Community Helps Community
Disclaimer: This is not an official GSB Gold Standard Bank service. We are a group of independent blockchain developers willing to help the community in the smooth setup of the G999 Blockchain Masternodes. We are fully endorsed by the company and your assets are safe with us. After the setup of the server you will receive full root access.
Choose Package
Masternode Server
2 Years
2 YEAR Masternode Server
- With this package, you will not have a guaranteed masternode configured unless there are spots left.
- Make sure to have at least 750050 G999 coins in your G999 Wallet/GSTrade/GSPartners or a masternode already created.
- Please be prompt, in case you miss the appointment set you can schedule a new appointmnet with the „Missed Appointment” package.
- We do not offer refunds unless there are no more masternodes spots left.
Price: 0.00363698 BTC / 0.13374655 ETH
USDT: 350
Masternode Server
1 Year
1 YEAR Masternode Server
- With this package, you will not have a guaranteed masternode configured unless there are spots left.
- Make sure to have at least 750050 G999 coins in your G999 Wallet/GSTrade/GSPartners or a masternode already created.
- Please be prompt, in case you miss the appointment set you can schedule a new appointmnet with the „Missed Appointment” package.
- We do not offer refunds unless there are no more masternodes spots left.
Price: 0.00259784 BTC / 0.09553325 ETH
USDT: 250
GSDeFi Configuration
This package is destinated for people that have dificulties in setting up the address for GSDeFi.
Price: 0.00051946 BTC / 0.01910283 ETH
USDT: 49.99
Masternode Reconfiguration
This package is destinated for the people that had dificulties in reinstalling their Desktop Wallets and reconfigure their Masternodes.
Price: 0.00082092 BTC / 0.03018851 ETH
USDT: 79
Missed Appointment
Reasons for rescheduling the meeting: | Not joining the meeting on time | Not having the wallet installed | Not having the wallet syncronised | Answering the meeting from another device than from the one in which you have the wallet installed Note: we need remote access to your computer
Price: 0.00031174 BTC / 0.01146399 ETH
USDT: 30
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